Paulo Roberto Yog by Miranda Uchoa

Paulo Uchoa
Lectures and some works in PowerPoint
(transformed into PDF)
Click on the photo below to see the works in PowerPoint (PDF)
1 - Presentation on SENAD-UNODC (2008 )
2 - Political Law System National Secretariat on Drugs (2008)
3 - Chamber of Deputies Drug Policy (2010)
4 - Diadema - National Policy on Drugs (2007)
5 - Army Command - National Policy on Drugs (2018)
6 - Meeting with the Dublin Group (2007)
7 - City Hall of Niteroi - National System on Drugs (2007)
8 - Nova Hamburgo - National Drug System (2002)
9 - Federal District Court of Justice - Presentation of the National Drug System (2009)
10 - Interview for ESTADOS & MUNICIPIOS Magazine
11 - SENLIS (English) International Symposium (February 2008)
12 - SENLIS (Portuguese) International Symposium (February 2008)
13 - Nova Hamburgo SENAD (2002)
14 - Reston, VA, USA - Fan Theory (Portuguese)
15 - Reston, VA, USA -The Fan Theory (English)