Paulo Roberto Yog by Miranda Uchoa

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Paulo Roberto Yog by Miranda Uchoa (son of Alfredo Moacyr by Mendonça Uchoa and Ena by Miranda Uchoa (ENITA)) was born 30 July 1940 in Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro. He married Regina Pereira Uchoa on 19 January 1963 in Niteroi, daughter of Lincoln Gomes Pereira and Leontina Gomes Pereira.
Notes for Paulo Roberto Yog de Miranda Uchoa:
The third child of Ena and Moacyr, he was born in Niterói, RJ, on July 30, 1940. He was a handsome boy, with light hair and greenish eyes. His godfathers at baptism were his uncle José Maria, his mother's brother, and his aunt Lourdes, aunt Dilu, his father's sister. The 3 brothers, Luiz Carlos, Anna Maria and "Paulito" (as he was called by the brothers), aged 3, 2 and 1 respectively, were baptized on the same day in Niterói.
Like his brothers, he studied in Resende, where he did primary school at Grupo Escolar Olavo Bilac, and junior high at Colégio Dom Bosco. He was seven years old when he began attending the materialization research sessions that his father held at his home. Almost always, an entity dressed as a bride materialized, which was said to be called TEREZINHA. Paulito said he was in love with her.
After finishing high school, in 1955, he took a competitive examination, was approved and entered, in 1956, the Preparatory School of Cadets of São Paulo, where he spent 3 years, later going to the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras, when his parents they had already left Resende.
Good sportsman, at AMAN he belonged to the volleyball and basketball teams. At the end of his 1st year at that Academy, he received the Caxias marlin from his grandfather Miranda. Chose the Infantry Weapon. A great student, he ranked 5th in his class, receiving the officer's sword in 1961 from his father who, proudly, gave him the same sword he had sported since he received it in 1930. Intelligent, organized and skilled, he was a dear boy wherever he went. He learned, alone, to play the guitar, having a beautiful voice. He liked to sing, composed beautiful music and wrote beautiful verses and poems.
When he was declared Aspirant, his parents already resided in Niterói and he chose, as the first barracks to serve, the 3rd Infantry Regiment (3rd RI), in that city. In Niterói, even before joining the Military Academy, he met Regina Gomes Pereira, whom he married on January 19, 1963. On March 3, 1964, in Niterói, RJ, the couple's first child was born - DENISE.
In August 1965, as 1st lieutenant, he was transferred to the Army's Police Battalion, in Brasília, for which he composed the song that was immediately approved by the Commander and, later, by the Army (see Caderno de Canções Militares).
After just 3 months in the new role, Paulo Roberto, with authorization from his Battalion Commander, volunteered to serve in the Suez Battalion, in Egypt. He returned to live in Niterói. rented one apartment in the same building as his parents, and began to serve in Vila Militar (2nd RI) where he helped prepare the contingent of reservists, also volunteers for the Suez Battalion.
In June of that same year (1966), on the 10th, the couple's second child, ALEXANDRE YOG, was born, who unfortunately died 11 days later. In parenthesis, a mediumistic event that happened after the burial of her son will be registered here. At his home, the boy's paternal grandfather, General Alfredo Moacyr Uchôa, spiritualist and psychographic medium, received a beautiful message from ALEXANDRE YOG, saying he was very happy for having managed to bring, to the family, which has been his since many incarnations, a encouragement of faith, so necessary for the understanding of spiritual and eternal truths (See, in the MENU, in autobiography, Chapter IV).
On August 14 of that same year, Paulo Roberto went to Egypt, where he remained in service for a year. He commanded a border platoon in the Gaza Strip and another in the Sinai Peninsula, of which he was the first Brazilian commander. Still in Brazil, he composed, in partnership with his colleague Ivo Fernandes Kruger, the song of Batalhão Suez. And there, in Egypt, he composed the songs of the Platoons he commanded.
He was always distinguished by his superiors and loved by his subordinates, for his correct and fair way of proceeding.
In Cairo, he watched and photographed the show "LIGHT AND SOUND", where the Sphinx tells, through the play of light on herself and on the 3 great pyramids, the history of ancient Egypt. Then, with his colleague Kruger, he set up the show with slides and cassette tape, translated into Portuguese. This show lasts about 45 minutes and was adapted when he returned to Brazil, with REGINA recording the voice of NEFERTITI. He introduced him several times, including to the Egyptian Embassy, always with success, for the history and mysticism class he represents.
In Cairo, Egypt, he climbed the Keops pyramid twice abroad, engraving on its top the names of Regina and Denise. Through the interior, he went up once to the Chambers of the Queen and the King, an adventure that awakened him to the study of the history of ancient Egypt. Before returning to Brazil, he toured the Holy Land, Middle East and Europe. On this trip, he perfected his English.
Returning to Brazil, he went to serve in Brasília, in the Army Police Battalion (BPEB). At that time, something that should be mentioned happened during an excursion that Paulo Roberto took, with a group of friends, to a place close to the city of Sobradinho. They all entered, for over an hour, a huge little-known cave, full of halls, stalactites, etc., but also full of bats. The result was that almost everyone got the disease called histoplasmosis. This disease was known in Egypt as the "Curse of the Pharaohs", because those who robbed their tombs died when breathing the virus contained in the dried feces of bats. Fortunately, all were treated and completely cured.
Still in Brasília, in 1967, his daughter LIANE was born.
This year, he was promoted to captain. In January 1971, he went to Rio, where he attended the School for the Improvement of Officers (EsAO). His BPEB soldiers esteemed him very much, as he treated them with friendship and understanding, as well as being concerned about their well-being. As a matter of fact, proof of this is that the Soldiers' Guild of the 3rd Company of the Army's Police Battalion, the company he named "Pantera", was named after him (Grêmio Capitão Uchôa), when he said goodbye in 1971.
After the EsAO course, which finished 4th out of 108 officers, he went to serve as an instructor in the Infantry Course at the Academia Militar, in Resende, spending two years there. Returning to Brasília in 1974, he went to serve in the Presidential Guard Battalion - BGP, where he commanded the 5th Company, which he named COBRA.
Selected to take the US Army Advanced Infantry Course, he went to Fort Benning, in Columbus, Georgia/USA, with Regina, Denise, Liane and André Luiz - his nephew and godson, on September 8, 1975. The course lasted eleven months, having obtained an excellent rating: 18th among 203 American and foreign officers. He left many friends among the officers of the various countries who were there.
After the mission, he traveled with his family, by car, part of the United States, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, that is, from Georgia and Florida to California, returning, later, to Brazil.
As his grandfather Miranda would say, Paulo Roberto was always a spirit of choice.
Convinced spiritualist, and already interested in the history of Ancient Egypt, he joined the Rosicrucian Order - AMORC, in 1967.
After the course in the USA, he went to serve as an instructor at the Officer Improvement School, in Vila Militar, Rio. He was promoted to Major in 1976. In 1978, he joined the Army Command and General Staff School - ECEME, where, after two years ago, he completed the course with an MB mention and was ranked 5th among nearly 100 officers.
After ECEME ended, in late 1979, he chose and was assigned to serve in the 2nd Motorized Infantry Brigade, in Niterói, where he stayed until early 1981, when then Minister Danilo Venturini invited him to the General Secretariat/Security Council National, organ of the Presidency of the Republic, in Brasília.
It was now the fourth time the couple would live in the federal capital. Twice he had served in the Army Police Battalion and once in the Presidential Guard Battalion. By the way, when Brasília was created, on April 21, 1960, Paulo Roberto, then AMAN's 2nd year cadet, was part of the representation that attended the festivities, parading along the monumental axis of the Plano Piloto. In the evening, he also attended the City Inauguration Ball, held on the ground floor of the Planalto Palace.
By the way, in terms of openings, Paulo Roberto and Regina also attended the Itamaraty Inauguration Gala, in Brasília. He was PE Captain and was responsible for planning the transit for the party. He got an invitation, got a borrowed 1st Uniform, and off they went.
Also during his time as captain, more precisely in 1967, Paulo Roberto was approached by the head of the Brasília branch of the newspaper "O Globo", Antonio Praxedes, a former student at the NPOR in Niterói, with an invitation to participate in a research on strange phenomena, called ufologic, that were happening on a farm near Alexânia/GO. The Company (Rádio, Jornal and TV Globo) had set up a team with technicians from various parts of Brazil, but it needed the group to have someone "understood" on the subject. Problems linked to the readiness of the troops in Brasília at the time would prevent Paulo Roberto from going. But the PE Commander managed to get the "captain" to attend the survey, in the service of the Army itself. Three nights and two days at the site and nothing happened. Globo retracted, but Paulo Roberto got to know the way. Weeks later, he returned there with friends from the Instituto de Parapsychologia in Brasília, of which he was a founding partner. What they saw was impressive.
In 1968, when his father moved to Brasília, Paulo Roberto introduced him to the Institute and took him there. Soon after, his father assumed the presidency of the Institute and organized a group that carried out, for many years, serious and dedicated research, narrated in detail in his father's book "A Parapsychology and the Flying Saucers". It was not without reason that his father came to be known as "The Star General".
As mentioned, in 1981 Paulo Roberto returned, for the 4th time, to Brasília, going to live in the same block as his parents, SQS 104. As a Major, his work in the Presidency of the Republic was linked to land ownership, mainly in supervision and monitoring of the works of the Executive Group of Terras do Araguaia-Tocantins - GETAT, with an area of responsibility that included the south of the state of Pará, southwest of the state of Maranhão and north of the state of Goiás, including the so-called Bico do Papagaio (the State of Tocantins did not yet exist). In 1983, with the creation of the position of Extraordinary Minister for Land Affairs, General Danilo Venturini, Head of the Military House of President João Figueiredo, was appointed to accumulate the new position, at which time he invited Lieutenant Colonel Paulo Roberto Uchôa as his Assistant -Secretary. Paulo Roberto, then, had the opportunity to expand his knowledge of land ownership, from the GETAT area to the entire national territory.
Two years later, with the end of the Figueiredo government, he went to serve on the General Staff of the Army, where he received the promotion to Colonel, in April 1986. It was during this time that he participated in the contest for the Song of the 5th Armored Cavalry Brigade, whose command is headquartered in Ponta Grossa-PR. Paulo Roberto won, with his own lyrics and music, earning him a handsome prize (see Caderno de Canções Militares).
The option regarding the orientation and path to follow in the spiritual life was adopted when, in 1967, Paulo Roberto became a member of the Rosicrucian Order - AMORC (Ancient and Mystic Order Rosae Crucis), with international headquarters in San Jose - California - USA and in Curitiba-PR. Like Rosicrucian, he was always up to date with his studies and dedicated himself a lot to the Affiliated Corps of the Order, in Brasília. He was one of the founders of PRONAOS 25 de Novembro, which later rose to the BRASILIA CHAPTER, of which Paulo Roberto was adjunct Master in 1970. He should be the next Master, but, on the eve of taking over, the Army determined in character exceptional, to enroll the then Captain Uchôa in the School for the Improvement of Officers - EsAO. Later, in 1984, he once again assumed the position of adjunct Master, now at LOJA BRASÍLIA, of which he was Master in 1985, in other words, the Rosicrucian year of 3338. This period of Mastery brought him a profound realization and marked, above all, the future of Paulo Roberto (see Part IV - Cap XVI of his autobiography included in the MENU).
Paulo Roberto's poetic vein has its striking aspect in the family environment. His mother had a soprano card at the Conservatório de Música in Rio de Janeiro; his sister Angela, an excellent pianist and composer. His daughter Liane, in 1983, very inspired, wrote the lyrics (and his aunt Angela, the music) for the song that, whenever sung, moves her father:
Your eyes, sweet mystery,
Of crystal purity,
As the greenest of ores,
Emerald or tourmaline...
Maybe fished at the bottom of the sea,
rare mermaid jewel,
Come, like the foam of the sea,
Kissing the sands...
Maybe who knows,
Are they little pieces of jade?
But what sculptor could
To carve with such harmony?
can be a prairie
from a sunny valley,
exhaling daylight
On a dew prism…
But maybe they can also be
From rainbow to color,
What an enchanted wizard
It summed up in pure love…
are a mirror of heaven
Reflect the color of friendship,
shining with love
The divine light of Eternity…
Also with regard to Paulo Roberto's compositions (see Caderno de Poemas e Outros Criações), there is one that could not be left out of this summary, given how much it was admired by his parents, and which was made under the inspiration of a starry night on the farm from Boca do Mato (way to Friburgo), property of Néa and Elysio, respectively Enita's sister and brother-in-law. This place was the scene of a time of joy for the family, who frequented it on vacations and big holidays, around the 1960s/70s. There, Paulo Roberto and Regina spent their second Honeymoon.
On Earth the drumming begins,
Followed by stumbling steps;
In the sky the stars twinkle
Blinking to the beat of the samba.
On Earth the cheeky brunette
Shakes a gentle roll;
In the sky, the towering moon,
Star samba dancer…
But here, suddenly, the silence
It involves the samba dancers on Earth.
The battery is muted now;
Your snoring ends…
In ecstasy the wobbly contemplate
The moon smiling, happy,
Upon seeing your standard bearer
Rise… is the shooting star…
all space stars
Make way for her and her veil...
Battery of blinking stars
In the cadence of samba from heaven….
Gradually the wobbly wake up
From the ecstasy of that vision;
tambourines and cuícas mingle
In the rhythm of the immensity…
And so the School is formed
From Samba all over the universe…
Zooms in to infinity,
The power of the verse is extinguished…
In March 1987, he assumed command of the 4th Army Police Battalion, in Olinda-PE, where he moved with his wife Regina and daughter Liane. It was a very happy and professionally fulfilling period. There, Paulo Roberto entered the contest for the song of the 7th Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha (O Regiment Olinda), winning, once again, with his own lyrics and music. The officers of his barracks, so insisted that he ended up, too, composing the 4th BPE song, which was approved and made official shortly thereafter.
At the end of the Command, Paulo Roberto was appointed to the Army Minister's Office, assuming the functions of Head of the Planning Section of the Army's Social Communication Center, in April 1989. Shortly thereafter, he assumed the role of Liaison Officer from the Minister's Office to the Judiciary.
In October 1989, Paulo Roberto and Regina, having decided that the city of Brasília would be the final landing place when they moved to the Reserve, acquired what they called their "definitive" house, at QI 10, Conjunto 4, house 4 , in the North Lake of Brasilia.
When they were preparing to move to the house, the Minister of the Army, General Leônidas Pires Gonçalves, called Colonel Uchôa and informed him that he had been appointed Liaison Officer with the US Army Doctrine and Training Command - TRADOC, headquartered at Fort Monroe, city of Hampton, in the south of the State of Virginia/USA. And off the couple went, in September 1990, for another experience abroad, this time for two years. The daughters initially did not accompany them, but soon after joined them. First Denise and then Liane. It was at this time that Denise married the American Mathew Slater in the Centurion Chapel in Fort Monroe.
The lived experience could not have been better. Paulo Roberto, on business trips, visited Avaí, South Korea, Panama, Alaska, as well as numerous cities and American military organizations both on the east and west coasts, as well as in the center, in the case of the National Training Center, in Nevada and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Out of work, together with Regina, they toured "everything they were entitled to", including two beautiful vacations in Europe: the first, together with friends Edgardo and Sonia, rented a car in Frankfurt and traveled 6,000 km between Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Monaco and Switzerland, returning to Germany, where they returned the car and went by train to Paris and London, all in a total of 32 very well planned days with the help of fellow colonels from TRADOC.
The second trip was dedicated to Spain and Portugal. The couple, this time alone, rented a car and started in Madrid, Vale de Los Caídos, Segovia, Salamanca, Ávila, Porto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais, Seville, Cordoba, Granada and Toledo, returning to Madrid. The support of his dear friend of the Spanish Army, Col Juan Antonio Sanchez (later General), was fundamental for the total success of this trip, all of it filmed and edited by Paulo Roberto, as, by the way, that of Europe as well. These films became great documentaries, stimulating, even more, their "hobbies" of sound and image, later enhanced by the use of the computer.
The couple formed a very large circle of American friends, as well as among the families of the Liaison Officers from the other 12 countries that were represented on TRADOC: Canada, Spain, England, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Israel, Turkey, Korea, and Japan.
Returning to Brazil, in October 1992, they returned to Brasília, this time going to live in their own house, with Paulo Roberto serving on the General Staff of the Army. Five months later, in March 1993, Paulo Roberto is promoted to Brigadier General, being appointed Commander of the 23rd Jungle Infantry Brigade, in Marabá-PA. The four Jungle Infantry Battalions of this Brigade are distributed along the trans-Amazon highway, namely, in ITAITUBA (Tapajós river), ALTAMIRA (Xingu river), MARABÁ and IMPERATRIZ / MA (Tocantins river).
A year later, after his extraordinary experience in the Amazon, Paulo Roberto returns to Brasília, now designated the first commander of the 11th Military Region, after his separation from – but still remaining subordinate – from the Planalto Military Command. He assumed his new command on May 6, 1994.
During this new and challenging experience, the Military Hospital of the Garrison of Brasília was his subordinate, exactly where his mother died, on March 15, 1995. His father went through the transition on March 5, 1996. It was a period of time. difficult, but with a lot of professional achievement.
In July 1995, together with Regina and Liane, he took a wonderful vacation tour along the coast of Turkey and the Greek islands, in the Aegean Sea, ending five days in the fascinating city of Istanbul.
At the end of 1996, Paulo Roberto was appointed to serve on the General Staff of the Armed Forces, assuming the functions of Deputy Chief of the Army for International Affairs and Strategic Information, on 20 Dec 1996.
In 1998, promoted to Division General, he was appointed commander of the 7th Military Region - 7th Army Division, headquartered in Recife/PE and with jurisdiction in the northeastern states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Alagoas. It was a fruitful period of professional achievements, which highlighted the work he carried out for the revitalization of the Guararapes National Historical Park, in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, with the rescue of the historical tradition of that site, symbol of the fusion of the three races that make up the Brazilian nationality. In this regard, two of his creations stand out: (1) CARMA - Circle of Friends of the Matias de Albuquerque Region, bringing together military and civilians around the noble feelings that emanate from the cult of the heroes of the Guararapes and (2) Authorship of the lyrics and music from the song of the 7th RM - 7th DE, the Mathias Region of Albuquerque. Later, it was transformed into only the Military Region (RM). Paulo Roberto had to update the lyrics of the song in just 2 verses at the end, a simple thing (see Caderno de Canções Militares).
In February 2000, he was appointed deputy commander of Ground Operations, returning to Brasília where, in January 2001, he moved to the Army reserve. In May of that same year, he was invited and accepted the position of National Anti-Drug Secretary of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat - SENAD, an agency linked to the Institutional Security Office (GSI) of the Presidency of the Republic, where he carried out a job full of national and international recognition.
As his father's books were out of print, Paulo Roberto coordinated and led, along with Editora do Conhecimento, new editions of the books:
BEYOND PARAPSYCHOLOGY - 5th and 6th Dimensions of Reality
DIVING INTO HYPERSPACE - Esoteric dimensions in UFO research
CHRIST FOR TODAY'S HUMANITY - scientific, social and political and
A SEARCH FOR TRUTH - autobiography
There are only three left to reedit:
THE TRANSCENDENTAL - Cures and phenomena
When he left SENAD, after ten years as National Secretary, what follows is a summary of the curriculum
by Paulo R Yog M Uchôa:
After 45 years of service to the Brazilian Army, during which he had the opportunity to learn about the social reality of the different regions of Brazil, as well as to participate in various commissions abroad, he joined the Reserve in January 2001, in the post of Division General . He holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Unified Teaching Center of Brasília.
He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Union of Social Integration - UPIS, from Brasília, Undersecretary and Special Advisor to the Government of the State of Tocantins. In 2001 he was National Anti-Drug Secretary and, from Dec 2001 to Jan 2011, he held the position of National Anti-Drug Secretary and Executive Secretary of the National Anti-Drug Council - CONAD. He was a member of the Technical-Administrative Council of the Interdisciplinary Group for the Study of Alcohol and Drugs - GREA, at the University of São Paulo - USP. On November 30, 2006 he was elected President of the Inter-American Drug Control and Abuse Commission of the Organization of American States - CICAD/OAS, after having served for one year as Vice President of that Commission.
Conducted the ratification processes of the National Anti-Drug Policy in Dec 2001 and the realignment of this Policy, which became "National on Drugs" through six preliminary regional forums consolidated in the III National Forum in November 2004, with approval by CONAD in May 2005.
It conceived and conducted, in coordination with its counterparts in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, with the support of CICAD/OAS, the Pilot Project for the Integration of Border Municipalities in Drug Demand Reduction Programs.
The following were carried out, under his general coordination, among others:
II and III National Forums on Drugs (2001 and 2004))
14 (fourteen) National Meetings of State Narcotics/Antidrugs Councils
I National Seminar on New Scenarios for the National Anti-Drug Policy (Brasília, 2003)
International Seminar on National Drug Policy (2004)
I Seminar on Social Networks (2004)
1st Inter-American Conference of Public Policies for Alcohol
I National Seminar on Ayahuasca Tea
In the international area, SENAD coordinated, by delegation from CICAD, in 2009/10, the process of reviewing and updating the Hemispheric Anti-Drug Strategy, as well as its Action Plan.
Achievements, among others, of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat / SENAD, under its management:
The Brazilian Observatory of Drug Information – OBID, the free service 0800-5100015- “Viva Voz”, with national coverage of guidance and information on the prevention of drug misuse and the Integrated Network of State Councils on Narcotics / Anti-drugs.
Restructuring of the National Anti-Drug Council – CONAD.
Coordination of the working group that prepared and defined the project that gave rise to the new Law on Drugs in the Country, supporting and interacting with the reporting congressmen in the Chamber and in the Federal Senate until the presidential sanction, on 23/08/2006, of Law No. 11,343, which updated the Law on Drugs in Brazil and Decree No. 5.912, of Sept 2006, which regulates the referred law.
Articulation and coordination of the process that culminated in the creation and implementation of the National Policy on Alcohol (Decree 6117 of 22 May 2007).
Online training for thousands of educators, municipal counselors, religious leaders and the like, community therapists and professionals in the areas of health, security, companies and special criminal courts.
National household epidemiological surveys on drug use among students and university students, homeless children and adolescents, patterns of alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption in indigenous populations and the impact of alcohol and other drug use on Brazilian traffic, as well as mapping of reception and treatment institutions for drug addicts in the national territory.
Integrated Plan to Combat Crack and Other Drugs/2010.
Promotion of increased fundraising for the National Anti-Drug Fund - FUNAD with the decentralization of auctions of goods seized from drug traffickers through agreements with state governments, at the executive, judiciary and prosecutorial levels.
From November 2001 to January 2011 he was part of the Brazilian delegations to the sessions of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Vienna-Austria), CICAD/OAS, as well as to the Specialized Meetings on Drugs in Mercosur (RED), as well as to various other international events.
He has participated as a guest speaker in a large number of Meetings, Seminars, Forums, Symposiums and Conferences throughout the national territory and abroad.
He belongs to the ranks of the Military, Naval, Aeronautical and Armed Forces Orders of Merit, in the degree of Grand Officer. He is a commander of the Rio Branco Order of Merit. He was also awarded, among others, the medals of the Peacemaker, the Amazon Merit, the Merit for Public Security and Social Defense of the Federal District, the Military Police Merit and the Tiradentes Medal of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Medal of Peace , granted by the UN for its participation in the Peace Force in the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula. The United States government awarded him the Legion of Victory Medal.
He has the titles of Honorary Citizen of João Pessoa / PB, Belo Horizonte / MG and Betim / MG.
He is married to Regina Pereira Uchôa. The couple have two daughters and two granddaughters.