Paulo Roberto Yog by Miranda Uchoa
PRYMU channels e
Paulo Uchoa ( YouTube )
Videos produced by Paulo Uchoa
Click on the links below to view the videos on YouTube:
1 - Gen Paulo RYM Uchôa: synthesis of the professional curriculum
4 - Canção da 23ª Bda Inf SL (Ver nr 171) _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
5 - O vovô recorda: ODE A GUARARAPES: _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
6 - SUEZ BATTLE: Interview with General Uchôa - Part 1/2
7 - SUEZ BATTLE: Interview with General Uchôa - Parte 2/2
8 - CRATENIA THREAT - 23rd Bda Inf Selva - Operation SURUMU
10 - Song of the 7th RM-DE
11 - BPEB Song – Brasília/DF
12 - Song of the 4th BPE – Recife/PE
13 - Canção 7º GAC – Regimento OLINDA _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
14 - Song 3rd Company PE/BPEB – PANTERA
15 - Song 5th Bda Cav Bld – Ponta Grossa
16 - Song of the Border Eagle – Suez Battalion
17 - Fort Robinson Song – The Desert Foxes – Suez Battalion
18 - Captains A Moacyr Uchôa and Malvino Reis: exchange of messages at the Communist Intentona/1935-Donation to the museum 14th BI
19 - EP Veterans Song
20 - Salute Cmt 4th BPE to Veterans of FEB/1987
21 - Remember the War
22-Braçal "PE": Symbolism, Refund and Delivery-4th BPE / 1988 _CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_ _CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAncf58D_ _CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B36BAD5C. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
23 - PÁTRIA BRASIL - Part I: Opening and Tribute to the Formation of Brazilian Nationality
24 - PÁTRIA BRASIL – Parte II: Canção da 7ª RM-DE
25 - PÁTRIA BRASIL - Part III: Homage to the Brazilian Armed Forces
26 - PÁTRIA BRASIL - Part IV: Song “A Vivandeira”
27 - PÁTRIA BRASIL - Part V: Homage to the Brazilian Army, its Weapons and Services
28 - HOMELAND BRAZIL - Part VI: Apotheosis and Tribute to the Homeland Brazil
29 - EPSP: General Venturini, one of the first on Rua da Fonte
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30 - Canção do 84º BI - AMAN - Curso de Infantaria _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
31 - BPEB: Canção da CCSv – o Leão da PE _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
32 - Suez Battalion: “The Hour of Longing” – Lt. Kruger – 17th Contingent
33 - Lecture on the Suez Battalion
34- Pioneira das Brigadas de Selva do Brasil – Canção da 23ª Brigada
35 - Song of the 3rd Tank Regiment (3rd RCC)
36 - YOG UCHOA – Military Hymns and Songs
37 - Song by ABIN – Brazilian Intelligence Agency
38 - Song of the 7th Military Region (updated subtitle) _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3bcf-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3bcf-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-4
39 - Bênção da imagem de Santa Bárbara doada por Regina Uchôa ao 21º GAC _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
40-Last Source Street-An oath that lasts more than 60 years _CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_ _C781905-5CDE-3194-BB3b-136BAD5CF58D_ _CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-138D _CC78D _CC78D_ -136bad5cf58d_
41 - Colégio Militar de Salvador – Donation by the Uchôa family of the album of its founder and 1st Commander – April 2008 _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb91b-1 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
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42 - Colégio Militar de Salvador – album donated by the Uchôa family – April 2008 05 136bad5cf58d_
Military Themes – Paulo Uchoa Channel (YouTube)
43 - GETAT – various photos (Maj-Ten Cel Uchoa) – 1982/83
44 - GETAT - Executive Unit of Empress / MA - 1083
45 - Farewell to C Inf/AMAN – Lyrics and voice: Capt Paulo R Yog M Uchôa – Dec 1973 _cc781905_5cde-3194-bb35-cc5 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cftub .
46 - Song of the 5th Cia a COBRA do BGP – In 1974